Read: Mark 2:1-4
Meditation verse:
“Thus says the Lord, who makes a way in the sea and a path through the mighty waters” (Isaiah 43:16)
My Consulting Office is in a serviced complex where the parking spaces are not enough to serve every office. So parking is on a first come, first serve basis. On this morning as I approached the gate, I could see that all the parking spaces had been taken. But just as I drove in through the gate, someone pulled out from the first parking space, making room for me to park my car in that choice location. Instinctively, it dawned on me that this was a prophetic word for the moment as I heard the following words in my spirit “so will the Lord make room for you wherever you need to flourish, even though it may seem crowded in the moment”.
Four men wanted Jesus to heal their paralytic friend whom they carried on a bed, but they could not gain access to Jesus because of the crowd. So, they uncovered the roof of the building where Jesus was, let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying. And Jesus honoured their faith. In today’s competitive and overcrowded marketplace, where the competition is stiff, and opportunities are few, you may have become stranded in life. Perhaps you desire that job, position, promotion, or contract, but can’t seem to make a headway due to lack of access. And unlike the paralytic who was lucky enough to have friends who could help him gain access, you may not even have anyone, no networks, no connections to help you gain access. If this is your story, then the prophetic word I received that morning is for you.
The Lord will make room for you in that area that currently seems out of your reach. Suddenly, someone will pull out of the race, and you will be just in the right place at the right moment to occupy the space. If God can make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert, certainly, He can make room for you in any sphere of endeavour in today’s marketplace.
The song writer says:
“God will make a way when there seems to be no way. He works in ways we cannot see; He will make a way. He will be my guide, hold me closer to His side, with love and strength for each new day, He will make a way, He will make a way” Make this song your declaration and let your faith come alive again.
IN HIS PRESENCE is written by Oke Chinye.
Have you asked Jesus Christ to come into your heart?
He says in Mathew 11:28, “come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” He longs to give you rest."
Would you like to do so now? Here’s a prayer you can say:
Dear Jesus, I believe that You died to save me from all my sins. Today, I invite you into my heart and I accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive all my sins and help me to live my life for You.
If you prayed this prayer, send me an email at
I would love to pray with you personally and send you a copy of my book; ‘Living the Life’ to encourage you as you begin your new life in Christ.