We are dedicated to transforming lives by teaching the practical wisdom of God’s word.

We believe that the bible is the infallible word of God and provides guidance for every aspect of human existence. Through publications,  broadcasts, the web, live conferences and outreaches, we communicate  powerful insights from God’s word as well as His love to a lost and hurting  world, thereby changing lives, one life at a time. 



To Equip The Saints of God to Thrive In Every Area Of Life; Spiritually, Emotionally, mentally, Financially, Socially and Physically, Irrespective Of Their Challenges

so that they can  experience the wholesome and abundant life God intended. God desires that we prosper in every aspect of our lives. 3 John 2, says: “Beloved, I pray that you  may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers”. We are  called to transform the total person. 

Our Foundational Beliefs

We believe that the bible, which is the word of God, is a powerful tool that provides answers for our daily existence.
We believe that man is a spirit, lives in a body and has a soul. And God is interested in the transformation of all three aspects
We believe that God has a purpose for every life. Discovering and fulfilling this purpose leads to a life of meaning, fulfillment and significance.
We believe in God and in His infallible word.
We believe in service. We are called to serve others and make the world a better place to live in.

Our President/Founder

Oke Chinye is an Inspirational Speaker, Bible Teacher, Life Strategist and Coach who is passionate about equipping people to identify and live out their God-ordained purpose. Through sound biblical teachings, media messages and practical resources, she inspires men and women alike to rise above their challenges to be more, do more and achieve more in life. She is a Certified Work Psychologist,  Emotional Wellbeing Consultant, Trainer and Mentor. She is the CEO of WorkLIfe Solutions Ltd, a workforce development  Consultancy and the Founder of OKESPEAKS, a platform for her coaching,  mentoring and speaking engagements.  
Oke holds a masters’ degree in Organizational Psychology from Birkbeck  College, University of London, a masters’ degree in Business Psychology from  The University of Gloucestershire, UK, a bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy and a  Certificate in Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (primary practicum) from  the Albert Ellis Institute, New York 
She also holds a Certificate in Learning and Development Practice from The  Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, UK, and a Certificate in  Entrepreneurial Management from the Enterprise Development Centre of Pan  Atlantic University, Lagos. She is an alumnus of Harvard Business School  Executive Program, Boston, a fellow of the Learning and Performance Institute,  UK, a member of the British Psychological Society, UK and a member of the Nigerian Institute of Management (Chartered). She is a recipient of the  prestigious Degree Plus Gold award in enterprise and volunteering from the  University of Gloucestershire, UK. 
Oke is the author of 2 Inspirational books: “Living the Life” and “Building the  Dream: from crossroads to purpose”. She is happily married to Chuma, a  lawyer and public policy Consultant. They both live in Abuja, Nigeria and are  blessed with 4 wonderful children. 

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