Read: Haggai 1:1-14
Meditation verse:
“The Lord stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and the spirit of Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and the spirit of all the remnant of the people; and they came and worked on the house of the Lord of hosts, their God.” (Haggai 1:14).
The feelings of restlessness that show up at midlife can turn out to be a blessing. For true transformation to take place; you must get to an impasse’. An ‘impasse’ is a “deep feeling of being stuck. You may feel deflated, caged in, restless or bored. It is a point you get to, and you say to yourself: “something just has to give way”. An impasse typically occurs during major transitions in life such as the death of a loved one, financial setbacks or the yawning of an empty nest (when the children all leave home) which normally occurs at midlife.
Though a scary place to be in, especially if you are uncomfortable with change, an impasse is necessary. It’s the best place to define a new vision for your life. It can become a springboard to real change. For every change to a ‘better me’ that has taken place in my life, I have had to get to a point of impasse. From dealing with the excess weight to overcoming the fear that prevented me from moving forward. Every single battle I have fought in my life, I have had to fight first in my mind, and it started with ’feelings of restlessness’.
However, for the restlessness to lead to real change, you must recognize, interpret, and accept it as an opportunity for a new beginning. There is a blessing in feeling restless, especially in midlife when the tendency is to slow down. At midlife, you are a bundle of experiences, abilities, wisdom, skills, and talents that can be a huge blessing to someone out there. Inside you is a pool of ideas, dreams and visions that still needs to be birthed. There is still a book to be written, a business to begin, a project to initiate, a relationship to develop, a dream to launch, an initiative that would benefit the world. There’s still so much you are carrying inside of you. But without the restlessness and stirring, you remain at ease, and everything remains dormant. The tugging may be the Holy Spirit stirring your heart towards what God wants you to birth at this season of your life.
IN HIS PRESENCE is written by Oke Chinye.
Have you asked Jesus Christ to come into your heart?
He says in Mathew 11:28, “come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” He longs to give you rest."
Would you like to do so now? Here’s a prayer you can say:
Dear Jesus, I believe that You died to save me from all my sins. Today, I invite you into my heart and I accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive all my sins and help me to live my life for You.
If you prayed this prayer, send me an email at
I would love to pray with you personally and send you a copy of my book; ‘Living the Life’ to encourage you as you begin your new life in Christ.