In HIS Presence


HEBREWS 11:1-40

Meditation verse:

“Who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouth of lions” (Hebrews 11:33)

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). You must keep your faith strong. Even in the face of extremely difficult circumstances, do not lose faith. In Hebrews 11, we see that through faith people subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, and became valiant in battle. Through faith, you can call to being the things you want to see happen in your life. With faith, you can move mountains.

Never isolate yourself. Find a community of people that you can do life with. They will serve as your support system during challenging times. The bible says two are better than one, for if one falls, the other will hold him up, and a threefold cord is not easily broken. So, locate yourself in a company. Don’t be an island. Life is not meant to be lived in isolation.

Love and accept yourself unconditionally. Don’t compare yourself with anyone else. 2 Corinthians 10:12 says, “comparing themselves with themselves, they are not wise”. Life is a journey, and we all have our own roads to travel. Comparison is a destiny derailer that robs you of your joy, gratitude, and contentment. Define yourself worth from who you are in Christ, not what you own or what you can do. Who you are in Christ is more than enough and God loves and accepts you unconditionally.

Lastly, maintain a good attitude, irrespective of what life throws at you. John 16:33 says, that in this world you will have tribulation, but you must be of ‘good cheer. That speaks of having the right attitude. Your attitude affects your emotions, your emotions affect your thoughts, your thoughts affect your behaviour, your behaviour affects your outcomes in life which in turn affects your attitude. It’s a vicious circle.

IN HIS PRESENCE is written by Oke Chinye.
Have you asked Jesus Christ to come into your heart?

He says in Mathew 11:28, “come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” He longs to give you rest."

Would you like to do so now? Here’s a prayer you can say:
Dear Jesus, I believe that You died to save me from all my sins. Today, I invite you into my heart and I accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive all my sins and help me to live my life for You.

If you prayed this prayer, send me an email at

I would love to pray with you personally and send you a copy of my book; ‘Living the Life’ to encourage you as you begin your new life in Christ.

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