your purpose in earth
In HIS Presence


Read 2 Timothy 4:7-8

Meditation verse:

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” 92 Timothy 4:7).

I listened to an interview of the late music legend, Tina Turner by Media Mogul, Oprah Winfrey. Oprah asked Tina how she felt being 73 years old. Tina responded by saying she had lived a full life and was very fulfilled. She said she was not afraid to leave this earth when her time came because she had done all she was supposed to do on earth. She said, “I have lived, worked and done all; I have lived a full life”. Tina Turner touched the world with her music.


Several years ago, Paul the apostle having finished the ministry that God had called him to do said, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing” (2 Timothy 4:7-8).


When all is said and done, will the life you are living now earn you the right to say “I have finished the purpose for which I was born? Do you even know why you are on earth? If your answer is no, start afresh today and make things right with God by praying: “Lord, I acknowledge that the life I am living right now is not in complete obedience to Your word. I ask for mercy and rededicate myself to You this day. Fill me afresh with Your spirit and enable me to live in total submission to Your will and purpose for my life”.


“We are given a fresh start not only at the beginning of the year but every morning when we wake up. We have the chance to start anew and make things right” (Maria Fontaine)


IN HIS PRESENCE is written by Oke Chinye.
Have you asked Jesus Christ to come into your heart?

He says in Mathew 11:28, “come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” He longs to give you rest."

Would you like to do so now? Here’s a prayer you can say:
Dear Jesus, I believe that You died to save me from all my sins. Today, I invite you into my heart and I accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive all my sins and help me to live my life for You.

If you prayed this prayer, send me an email at

I would love to pray with you personally and send you a copy of my book; ‘Living the Life’ to encourage you as you begin your new life in Christ.

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