God is always speaking to us
and right now He has something
to say to you...

Oke Chinye is an Inspirational Speaker, Bible Teacher, Life Strategist and Coach who is passionate about equipping people to identify and live out their God-ordained purpose. Through sound biblical teachings, media messages and practical resources, she inspires men and women alike to rise above their challenges to be more, do more and achieve more in life.

In this free eBook, Oke shares with you:

  • God’s desire to move you forward
  • God’s instruction about the next level of your life
  • The kinds of things and people to watch out for in your next level
  • How God wants to use you
You will learn what God desires for you and how He expects you to live His abundant life here on earth.

Take A Peek Inside The Book

Today, God urges you to forget the former things and focus on the new. You cannot turn a new chapter of your life if you keep reliving the former one.
Oke Chinye
Founder, The Rock Teaching Ministry

No matter how messed up you are right now, what lies ahead of you is more important because of the finished work on the cross.
Oke Chinye
Founder, The Rock Teaching Ministry

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